
ECS@Atlanta Short Report(高 雲飛 Yunfei Gao)


Title of the talk:

  1. Inhibition of Ionomer Specific Adsorption on Pt/C Catalysts Coated with Dopamine-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Carbon
  2. Exploring the Function of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Shell on Ordered and Disordered PtCo Alloy Catalysts in Oxygen Reduction Reaction By X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy

Short reports on ECS:

It was a meaningful experience participating in the 242nd Electrochemical Society (ECS) in Atlanta. I got the chance to present my research to professors and peers from all over the world. It was challenging but also exciting. Also discussing with my peers helped me find the insufficiency and gave me new ideas for furthering my research, which was really helpful. In addition, it was impressive to discuss with the professor after the presentation, and I realized that the person I was talking with was the corresponding author of the paper I had read shortly before, and it happened to be a good chance to ask for some advice face to face.