
Welcome to our lab !

Thank you very much interest in Uchimoto Laboratory. Our lab is a part of Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies and Department of Interdisciplinary Environment at Kyoto University. Our goal is to design high quality functional electrochemical devices by exploring the relationship between materials structures and their physico-chemical properties. Our resent work is focused on electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices, including lithium ion batteries, post lithium ion batteries, proton exchange membrane fuel cells and water electrolysis. Over the last decade, we promoted many research projects supported by various companies and Japanese governments. We offer research opportunities for students interested in electrochemistry ! Research


張 大同(D3)さん、石 現(D2)さん、小林 照(M1)さんが第89回電気化学会大会にて学生発表賞を受賞しました。


ALCA-Specially Promoted Research for Innovative Next Generation Batteries
(ALCA-SPRING project)

The project aims to accelerate research and development of high-capacity secondary batteries, the next generation of the existing lithium ion batteries, and develop revolutionary secondary battery technology that is far superior in performance to existing secondary batteries, accelerating basic/fundamental research toward practical applications.

All solid state batteries with extremely high energy density and safety

The feasibility of all-solid-state fluoride-ion shuttle batteries as extremely high-energy batteries will demonstrate by development of novel electrode and/or electrolyte materials and clarification of rate determining steps. Application of the batteries to electric vehicles can dramatically reduce carbon pollution.

JST Open innovation platform for industry-academia co-creation

For the purpose of maximizing energy density, the inside of a battery is densely packed with materials, and electrode reactions and mass transport proceed with materials, heat, and stress unevenly distributed in a narrow space. We will formulate a scientific theory to understand and control these complex physicochemical phenomena and their hierarchy on a multi-scale, and design innovative batteries based on the background essential events.

JST MIRAI (Establishment of a 3D multi-scale/modal operando chemical analysis platform)

We will establish a chemical analysis platform that enables nondestructive, non-contact, high-spatial/time-resolved, multi-scale/modal 3D operando analysis of microstructures, physicochemical states, and heavy/light element distributions in the depths and interiors of devices and materials with complex hierarchical structures.

NEDO Advancement of Hydrogen Technologies and Utilization Project/Research and development on basic technology to enhance water-electrolysis hydrogen-production technology

Toward the advancement of alkaline water electrolysis and polymer electrolysis, we will conduct advanced analysis of the performance manifestation and degradation mechanism of electrode catalysts, degradation mechanism of electrolyzer, and common analysis on degradation evaluation methods.


燃料電池の材料サンプルを共通的な指標で構造評価してその結果を研究者へフィードバックする「PEFC 評価解析プラットフォーム」を構築しています。材料開発グループから提供される材料の分析・解析支援を行い、さらに産業界の課題解決を進めるためのシミュレーター開発支援とそのための解析技術の高度化を実施し、確立した分析/解析技術を広く産業界・学術界へ普及させることを目的にしています。





日本学術振興会 科研費 基盤B
