

堀口 知也さん 2019年度 修士課程入学

Q1. ご出身(大学、高専等)をおしえてください。
Q1. Where are you from ?

2019 立命館大学 生命科学部 応用化学科 卒業

I brought up in Kyoto prefecture, Japan.

I graduated from Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Applied Chemistry in 2019.


Q2. どうして内本研究室に入ろうと思いましたか?
Q2. Why did you decide to enter our lab ?


I decided to enter this laboratory, because the environment of Uchimoto lab is very nice for research. When I was an undergraduate student, I was interested in the electrochemical device such as battery and fuel cell. I felt that the laboratory equipment was very substantial and there were many opportunities to make special measurements at the synchrotron radiation facility when I visited the laboratory. Therefore, I believed that I can do very high level research at this lab. This is why I decide to join Uchimoto lab.


Q3. 内本研はどのような研究室ですか?
Q3. How do you feel our lab ?


I think we can grow up ourselves as much as we want in this lab. There are many research themes such as lithium-ion batteries, innovative batteries, fuel cells, water electrolysis, and you can do research that suits your interests. In addition, students who have themes in different fields do discussions actively, so we can grow not only deepen their expertise but also acquire a wide range of knowledge. Also, since we are participating in national projects, we can have many valuable experiences through research.